Sunday, 1 May 2011

Chapter 25-28

With everyone stunned by what Minho had recommended the silence was broken by Gally who was enraged with this solution and said that it was ridiculous idea which has also started uproar with the rest of the keepers. Newt maintained the order by shutting them all up he also agreed with Gally that Minho’s idea seemed absurd. But Minho still stuck up for his idea even while Gally was making objections which lead to threats and later on Violence. Gally opposed this and left the Gathering as if he has gone insane while warning everyone not to trust Thomas because he saw him in his Changing.
                With Gally gone people started to think about his warning but they still continued with the meeting and Thomas finally had a chance to stick up for himself and explained to them that he couldn’t leave his friends out the maze to die and so he tried to save them. Finally Newt states his opinion which is Thomas has to spend one whole day in the Slammer and will also become a Runner but not the keeper. Everyone seemed to like Newts idea the most and voted for his idea. After the Gathering Thomas met up with Minho and wanted an explanation for his recommendation. Minho answered by simply saying ‘Aim high, hit low.’ Later on Chuck went up to Newt and Thomas and said that Alby wants to see Thomas.
                In chapter, twenty-seven, Newt was curious with why Alby only wanted to see Thomas and not himself so he tagged himself along. Alby still kicked Newt out because he wanted to speak to Thomas privately.  Alby told Thomas that during his changing he saw Thomas and the girl; he also said he remembers the Flare, which is something new to Thomas as well. Then suddenly he started choking himself and thrashing around. Alby’s pale face started turning to a shade a purple. Thomas had no idea what to do so he screamed Newt to come in and help. After restraining Alby’s limbs from thrashing he came back to consciousness, he apologized for what just happened but he said that he wasn’t trying to choke himself it was as if something was making him choke himself. As Thomas and Newt were to leave and let Alby rest he told them to watch out for girl and protect the maps.
                After that insane moment Newt started asking some questions because there has been a pattern, everyone who has gone through the Changing has seen Thomas in their memories. Thomas says that he doesn’t remember his past life, but Newt said that he isn’t accusing him of anything he just wants to know. Newt tried to bring back Thomas’ memories by making him look at the girl and see if he remembers anything. Thomas did recognize the girl but he doesn’t remember how just that he must have known her before. Once he told Newt that he did recognize her, he heard a woman’s voice in his head that said ‘Teresa.’ This made Thomas freak out he put his hands to his ears so he wouldn’t hear anything but then heard her say ‘Thomas, It was you and me, we did this to them. To us.’
                In chapter twenty-seven when Alby said that something made him choke himself it made me think about Darth Vader and how he could make other people choke without touching them. When I thought that it made me realize that maybe someone had some sort of power over him, probably not the force but maybe it could be the same thing that made everyone lose their memories. In chapter twenty-eight when Teresa said that they did this to them and to themselves I think she meant helping the Creators or maybe their one of the Creators. What I really would like to know how a girl in a coma is able to speak to Thomas telepathically.

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